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Ground Subsidence: Definition, Causes, and Effects
Ground Subsidence Imagine waking up one morning to find that the ground beneath your home or workplace has suddenly sunk, causing cracks in walls, uneven floors, and potentially catastrophic structural damage. This phenomenon, [...]
Ground Improvement Lectures at Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung by Menard Indonesia
Menard Indonesia shares ground improvement expertise at ITENAS as part of the Kampus Merdeka program. Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Viqri Fahmi kicks off the first in a series of lectures.
What is Soil Liquefaction? Causes, Effects, and Mitigation
Imagine a city where buildings tilt, roads warp, and infrastructure collapses, all because the ground beneath suddenly loses its strength. This dramatic scenario is the result of soil liquefaction, a phenomenon where saturated soil [...]
Why Soil Behaviour is Important in Construction?
Soil behaviour plays a critical role in ground improvement, as it directly influences the stability, strength, and longevity of construction projects. By understanding soil behaviour, engineers can predict how soil will perform over time and ensure that the foundation of a structure is stable and secure.
Rigid Inclusions Eliminate the Use of Deep Foundations for Building Construction in Cambodia
Menard Cambodia – MGS Soil Treatment has implemented Controlled Modulus Column, a solution that eliminates the need for expensive pile foundations, for a school building in Phnom Penh.
CMC Rigid Inclusions as Alternative Foundation Solution for Bunker Building in Cambodia
Discover how Menard Cambodia – MGS Soil Treatment Successfully Used CMC Rigid Inclusions as an alternative foundation method for a bunker building project.