Menard completed a ground improvement project for a new 3-story Light-Frame Residential and Dormitory (LFRD) school building using Controlled Modulus Columns (CMC)

Indonesia | VVIP Airport, Capital City of Nusantara (IKN)
tazkiyachaerani2024-12-14T07:06:34+07:00Menard Asia has completed the ground improvement for the VVIP Airport Project with PVD and CMC in Indonesia
Malaysia | Sepang Circuit
tazkiyachaerani2024-06-05T09:12:58+07:00Menard Asia completed the ground improvement using Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) for the Driving Experience Center at Sepang Circuit, Selangor, Malaysia, ensuring stable construction on soft ground.
Malaysia | Cameron Highland
tazkiyachaerani2024-10-04T11:25:02+07:00Menard Asia has completed a ground improvement project in Ringlet, Cameron Highlands. The project addressed the soft ground condition, which was anticipated due to the area's history as a former sediment dump from the adjacent site.
Vietnam | Ca Mau Power Plant Phase 1 & 2
tazkiyachaerani2024-06-05T09:16:09+07:00Menard Vacuum™ process ensured drastic reduction of the necessary amount of sand fill and especially the consolidation time (6 months instead of 14).
Malaysia | Residential Development Area
tazkiyachaerani2024-06-05T09:23:21+07:00The project is a platform construction of two storey housing within the residential development area. The platform is designed to be approximately at 1.3 m above the existing ground level (EGL).
Malaysia | Single Storey Factory in Selangor
tazkiyachaerani2024-05-08T15:47:16+07:00Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) has been installed by Menard to accelerate the consolidation of the compressible soils for the construction of a single storey factory in Selangor.
Bangladesh | LPG Terminal Extension area for 3x4000m³ Mounded Tanks facility – PVD
tazkiyachaerani2024-06-14T07:23:32+07:00This project is the first PVD job for Menard in Bangladesh.
Singapore | Changi International Airport, Phase 1, 2 & 3
tazkiyachaerani2024-12-14T06:17:58+07:00Vertical drains and DC was employed to treat various soil problems separately for the construction of Changi Airport back in 1980-1995.
Cambodia | 60M Mall Shopping Centre – PVD/Wick drains
tazkiyachaerani2024-12-14T06:33:51+07:00On Hun Sen Boulevard, Menard's CMC ground improvement solution replaces traditional Bored Piles for a cost-effective and efficient approach to building a 27,000m2 shopping center.