Menard Asia in Cambodia has completed the ground improvement project for the New flyover on the road number 5 in Russey Keo, Phnom Penh using Controlled Modulus Column (CMC).

Project Overview
The project consists in building a new Flyover on the Road number 5, in Russey Keo, Phnom Penh city. This flyover will over cross the future road coming from the main extra-dossed Bridge above the Tonle Sap River.
This project require access roads to be built with embankment up to 6m. Menard has been contacted by the client in order to propose its soil improvement solutions under the access roads to the fly over as alternative solution to RC piles combined with RC ground slab.
Ground Condition
The subsoil is composed of:
- 22 to 25m thick of weak clay layer
- 8m of loose clayed sand layer
- Sandstone
Menard Solution
Controlled Modulus Columns technology has been applied to reduce the settlements to the project requirement. Due to heavy trapezoidal loading coming from embankments, CMC grid has been designed following different square spacing from 2,5m x 2,5m to 1,3m x 1,3m and the diameter was 320mm. CMC have been drilled down to 33m to reach the sandstone layer.
CMC alternative solution allowed our client to delete the initially designed ground slab on piles. This slab has been replaced by a sandy load transfer platform which obviously allowed costs and time saving to our client.
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Cambodia 2022
Technic : Controlled Modulus Columns
Owner : Overseas Cambodian Investment Corporation (OCIC)
Engineer : ORBITEC
General Contractor : Cana Sino Construction Corporation (CSCC)
Main Figure
CMC : 1,150 Column(s)

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