Menard Asia in Cambodia has completed the ground improvement project for the New Phnom Penh International Airport using Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD), also known as wick drains.

Project Overview
Announced officially in 2018, the 4F-class New Phnom Penh International Airport is constructed across more than 2,600 hectares of land in Kandal Stung district and Sa’ang district in Kandal province and a smaller part of Takeo province.
The 4F class airport is the highest in the class of airports. The 4F-classification allows the take-off and landing of all sizes of aircraft.
The airport’s construction consists of three stages. The first stage is from 2018 to 2023, the second up to 2030 and the third stretches to 2050. The new international airport will replace the existing Phnom Penh International Airport, with initial plans having the facilities being constructed on partially reclaimed land adjacent to Boeing Choeung Lounge, a large lake in Kandal province about 30 km south of Phnom Penh.
Ground Condition
The soil conditions that occur the most along this supersize projects are:
- Layer 1: 17m to 20m thick of Lean Clay / Fat clay soft to medium
- Layer 2: 1m thick of sand
- Layer 3: 3 to 10m thick of Lean Clay
Then hard soil composed of Sand / silty sand.
Menard Solution
To speed up consolidation process due to embankment under APRON and taxiway, PVD technology combined with sandy surcharge and times to times Vacuum has been applied to mitigate long terms settlements.
Due to very hard soil met at project site (Cone resistance value Qc up to 10-15 Mpa), we have mobilized the heaviest PVD machines available in our fleet. Aim was to maintain high productivity but also to avoid our client to perform predrilling works.
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Cambodia 2021
Technic : Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVD) / Wick Drains
Owner : Cambodia Airport Invectiment Co., Ltd
Engineer : Heerim Architects & Planners Co., Ltd
General Contractor : Geoharbour Construction Co., Ltd
Main Figure
2,150,000 m of wick drains

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