Menard Asia has completed the ground improvement for the Serang – Panimbang Toll Road Project section 3 with Controlled Modulus Column in Banten, Indonesia

Project Overview
The Serang-Panimbang toll road spans 83.67 kilometers and is divided into three sections: Section 1 from Serang to Rangkasbitung (26.5 km), Section 2 from Rangkasbitung to Cileles (24.17 km), and Section 3 from Cileles to Panimbang (33 km). Menard Indonesia was assigned to carry out ground improvement work for section 3 of the toll road.
The toll road will provide a new access route to the southern region of Banten Province, aiming to promote economic development and distribution. Additionally, it will be connected to the Tanjung Lesung Special Economic Zone, a tourist attraction contributing to the economic growth of Banten Province.
Soil Condition
Serang – Panimbang toll road was built on land which is mostly soft clay and therefore, improving the bearing capacity of the soil is needed to reduce land subsidence due to road construction on it.
The Serang-Panimbang toll road section 3 construction area passes through an area that was previously an agricultural area where the soil is clay which is very saturated with water, and has a very low bearing capacity.
The depth of the clay soil varies greatly between 14 m to 27 m. With the addition of embankment soil and the toll road load above it, it is necessary to improve the soil in several toll road construction areas.
Menard Solution
The use of CMC is considered very suitable because its function is to increase the bearing capacity and stability of the soil in the area in short time and more efficient cost compared to other methods.
Menard Asia has successfully finished the project on time and met all the client’s expectations.
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Indonesia 2024
Technique : Controlled Modulus Column (CMC)
Application : Road & Railway
Contractor : PT Adhi Karya Tbk.